Таким был прежде мой Лис. Он ничем не отличался от ста тысяч других лисиц. Но я с ним подружился, и теперь он — единственный в целом свете.
You are 33% Russian!
Who are you kidding? Just because you took a summer language course in Petersburg doesn't make you a Russian.
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What was World War II all about? - Putting an end to the Holocaust. The Western world had to compromise by working with Stalin, but the ends justified the means.
What's the source of that muzhik smell? - What smell? Hey, want to split a bottle of vodka with me? There's a kiosk right over there.
What body part is Winnie-the-Pooh missing? - What the...?! Winnie-the-Pooh isn't missing anything.
это вынесло меня к чертям. угорала до слез. итог
Who are you kidding? Just because you took a summer language course in Petersburg doesn't make you a Russian.
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